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How To Do Pilates And The Benefits Of Discovering Imprinting
Michael Tasker
Simply explained, Pilates exercises are specific techniques to educate and train the body and mind to work in unison for the purpose of creating an efficient and wholly integrated body movement experience for work, rest and play. It is easy to get started learning how to do Pilates and one of the best methods is to integrate simple exercises into an existing fitness routine.
Before you begin the physical exercises, it is essential to understand and appreciate that the awareness of your body presence is an essential part of Pilates workout preparation. They will assist with attaining correct spinal alignment and body centering as you take on a more challenging physical workout. This awareness is achieved through using a technique known as Imprinting. It is one of the most basic, yet most important exercises that you will undertake and is acknowledged as a great stress reducer and a successful relaxation technique. It can in fact be used as a relaxation technique before any physical exercise.
How can you now put this into effect that will have you prepared both mentally and physically for Pilates exercises? Firstly, you need to be lying down on your back ensuring that both arms are at your sides with the knees bent plus also your feet being firmly on the floor. Using this position a natural spine alignment is achieved and this will allow the spine to adopt its natural curve position. The position adopted should now feel really comfortable and it is time to now fully relax. Everything should be relaxed from the head, neck, face, shoulders ribcage all the way down to your feet. Make sure your whole back is relaxed on the floor, plus your abdominal muscles and also your legs, everything should now be relaxed. The achieved ctate should be maintained for as long as you wish, though the longer the better and imagine that you are actually melting into the floor.
Once you have achieved this it is now important to memorise it, or imprint this in your mind. Remember, this will now be your default position for relaxation and along with deep breathing you should visualise the spine lengthening and very slowly lowering itself down onto the floor. You will achieve deep relaxation of both mind and body and be ready to commence physical exercise or just carry on with your daily activities. When you undertake this again, your body and mind will very quickly assume its default imprinting position to achieve the relaxation that you desire.
When learning how to do Pilates, the ability to achieve a relaxed state will come easily when using the techniques of Imprinting. And don’t forget that the benefits of better posture, improved flexibility, greater inner core strength and understanding of the body dynamics can be achieved and enjoyed without any energy sapping sweat induced exercises that many exercise techniques involve. These beneficial changes that will occur to your health and fitness can be attained by following easy learn Pilates techniques available to watch on an instruction Pilates dvd that ever more people are using to improve their overall physical and mental health.
Did you know that celebrities have endorsed these Pilates techniques to burn calories, look leaner, tone muscles and appear taller using less effort than you imagine? It’s one of the most sought after exercise methods to solve ailments such as back pain and muscular problems but also to improve posture and achieve greater flexibility. Learn
how to do Pilates
at home with your own professional instruction dvd at
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